旧约 - 出埃及记(Exodus)第11章

Now the LORD had said to Moses, "I will bring one more plague on Pharaoh and on Egypt. After that, he will let you go from here, and when he does, he will drive you out completely.
Tell the people that men and women alike are to ask their neighbors for articles of silver and gold."
(The LORD made the Egyptians favorably disposed toward the people, and Moses himself was highly regarded in Egypt by Pharaoh's officials and by the people.)
So Moses said, "This is what the LORD says: 'About midnight I will go throughout Egypt.
Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.
There will be loud wailing throughout Egypt--worse than there has ever been or ever will be again.
But among the Israelites not a dog will bark at any man or animal.' Then you will know that the LORD makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.
All these officials of yours will come to me, bowing down before me and saying, 'Go, you and all the people who follow you!' After that I will leave." Then Moses, hot with anger, left Pharaoh.
The LORD had said to Moses, "Pharaoh will refuse to listen to you--so that my wonders may be multiplied in Egypt."
Moses and Aaron performed all these wonders before Pharaoh, but the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he would not let the Israelites go out of his country.
出埃及记第十一章   第 11 章 

  出 11:7> 以色列人从埃及人“分别出来”……我从世俗中分别出来了吗? 

  11:7 摩西告诉法老,神把以色列人从埃及人中间分别出来。在神的心中,分别非常清楚,祂知道以色列人是祂的选民,摩西心中亦深明此理。但是以色列人所看到的,只是为奴与自主的分别。后来他们在旷野,神用律例典章和各种法则教导他们,使他们成为自己的百姓,与万民有别。请记住,神所关心的是我们将变成怎样的人,而不是只看我们目前的光景。 

  出 11:9-10> 你有不顺服、甚至抗拒神的管教的时候吗?为什么会这样? 

  11:9-10 你可能奇怪法老的愚顽,他看到神的奇事大能,仍然不肯听从摩西。其实法老在灾祸开始以前,早已下定决心,他不愿相信有人比他更伟大。顽固不信使他的心地刚硬,连大灾难都不能将他软化。最后,神使用至大的灾祸,杀了他和埃及人的长子,使他不得不承认神的权能。既便到了这样的地步,他也只想神离开他的国土,并不想祂来统治埃及。我们不要等到大灾难来临,才被迫去寻求神,却要敞开心灵,留意祂当前的指引。 


  出 11:10> 神的管教因人而异,为什么?法老顽固是神允许的吗? 

  11:10 神真的使法老的心刚硬,强迫他做错事吗?在十灾以前,摩西与亚伦已经宣告,如果法老不放人,必有恶果。但是这样的警告反叫他更加顽固,心里刚硬。法老既轻侮神,又轻侮祂的使者。他受了头六灾以后,内心竟然更顽劣,神只有施行更严厉的审判。恶人或迟或早都罪有应得,必受刑罚。法老不肯回心转意,神就任凭他作骄傲的抉择,使他尝到自己行为的苦果。神并没有强迫法老弃绝祂,反而一再留有余地,使他回转。神说:“我断不喜悦恶人死亡。”(结 33:11 )──《灵修版圣经注释》